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Arts in Education

Curious about arts in education?

Here are some resources of interest if you've been wondering what role the arts can play in education or how creativity can activate learning for young people. We hope this information will inspire you to learn more and incorporate the arts into your own experiences.

Arts in Education
How Are the Arts Taught?

How Are the Arts Taught?

There are many ways that art happens in schools. Our Modes of Arts in Education chart outlines various ways the arts are experienced by students. When looking at the three different modes, think of how you may have experienced art in education. How might you incorporate the arts into learning?
What Is Arts Integration?

What Is Arts Integration?

We use the definition of arts integration developed by The Kennedy Center: Arts Integration is an approach to teaching in which students construct and demonstrate understanding through an art form. Students engage in a creative process which connects an art form and another subject area and meets evolving objectives in both.

Read more about this definition and unpack each of the key terms.

What Does Arts Integration Look Like?

The Giving Trees of Haida Gwaii is just one example of how students can thrive with arts integration. This Artists in the Classroom project incorporated art, science, and First Nations education into an engaging and empowering learning experience.

Why Is Creativity Important?

Sir Ken Robinson believes that "Creativity now is as important in education as literacy and we should treat it with the same status." In Do Schools Kill Creativity? Robinson talks about the importance of creativity and why we need to reframe the way we define and experience education in the 21st century.

What Is the BC School Curriculum?

BC is rolling out a new curriculum. The Ministry of Education states that "British Columbia's redesigned curriculum honours the ways in which students think, learn, and grow, and prepares them for a successful lifetime of learning where ongoing change is constant." Learn more about the new curriculum at

What is Happening Now in BC Schools?

Teachers and artists across BC are eager to share how the arts are activating learning in in their classrooms. Read stories from guest bloggers outlining projects that incorporate arts-based learning experiences.
What Kind of Projects Can Artists Work On with Students?

What Kind of Projects Can Artists Work On with Students?

Would you like to bring a professional artist into your classroom, but are not sure where to start? Spark your inspiration by exploring projects that have been supported by Artists in the Classroom grants.
Where Can I See Examples of Student Art?

Where Can I See Examples of Student Art?

The ArtStarts Gallery is the first in Canada devoted exclusively to young people's art. The gallery is an invaluable resource for learning more about arts integration. Visit the ArtStarts Gallery to discover exemplary creative projects that emerge students, educators and professional artists work together to deepen learning, creativity and community connections. Guided tours of the gallery (with or without hands-on workshops) are also available for schools, day camps, or any interested group. If you can't visit the gallery in person, you can explore all our past exhibitions online.

Curious to Explore More Arts in Education?

Herer are recent stories we've shared on Twitter that we think might be of interest as you learn more about arts in education.

Eager for More News About Arts Integration?

Dive into the conversations happening on Twitter about arts integration. This approach to teaching is growing and thriving in schools around the world!