August 30, 2013
It is amazing to think that this is only the fourth YoungStarters meet up. Day 4 was all about getting our fingers covered with paint, our ideas onto the walls!
After developing a system of a three-layer process to execute the mural, the YoungStarters printed out each layer and divided up the walls. The goal for Day 4 is to finish the background layer, which we named the "Urban Camo Layer".
Once the paints were mixed, the drop clothes placed and the paint rollers ready, there was a brief moment of silent inhale and hesitance before the light grey walls were transformed into a bright burst of colours.
It was also really amazing to see and hear from people in the West End community coming up to the YoungStarters with words of encouragement and thanks! It was an amazing start to the mural execution!
Make sure to come by Saturday, August 31st for the mural party at the Gordon Neighbourhood House (1019 Broughton St) between 1:30m – 4:30 and celebrate with us! There will be food, music and art!
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