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Key Definitions

For your reference, below are current definitions frequently used by ArtStarts.

Professional Artist

A professional artist is defined as someone who:
  • has specialized training in the artistic field (not necessarily in academic institutions)
  • is recognized as a professional by his or her peers (artists working in the same artistic tradition)
  • is committed to devoting more time to artistic activity, if possible financially
  • has a history of public presentation or publication.
Definition from Canada Council for the Arts

Emerging Artist

An emerging artist is defined as one who:
  • is enrolled in, or has specialized training in the arts (university graduation or equivalent, self-training, or training in a culturally-specific tradition);
  • is in the early stages of their career, usually within the few first years of pursuing a career in their field;
  • has a small history of presentation or publication;
  • is looking for support and resources to build confidence in their practice;
  • is committed to devoting more time to artistic activity, when possible financially; and
  • self identifies as emerging.
This definition has been inspired by a number of sources, including CARFAC BC's video, Artists Talk: What is an Emerging Artist?

Arts Integration

We use the definition of arts integration developed by The Kennedy Center: Arts Integration is an approach to teaching in which students construct and demonstrate understanding through an art form. Students engage in a creative process which connects an art form and another subject area and meets evolving objectives in both.

Read more about this definition and unpack each of the key terms.

Modes of Arts in Education

There are many ways that art happens in schools. Our Modes of Arts in Education chart outlines various ways the arts are experienced by students. When looking at the three different modes, think of how you may have experienced art in education. How might you incorporate the arts into learning?