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3 Crows Productions

Discipline: Storytelling
Homebase: Vancouver
Languages: English
Themes: First Nations, Inuit, and/or Metis Art, Mental Health, Anti-Bullying, Climate Change and/or Environmentalism
Grant Eligibility: Eligible for 70% AIE

Dallas Yellowfly (Siksika Nation) and Alysha Collie (The'wá:lí) are Indigenous educational storytellers from 3 Crows Productions; a unique group dedicated to promoting anti-racism, creating awareness of the intergenerational impact of Indian Residential Schools and helping youth strengthen their mental health. 3 Crows Productions are committed to educating the future generations of Indigenous and non-Indigenous youth through oral storytelling, live theatre and film productions. More information at

See a preview of 3 Crow's show by registering for 'ArtStarts Presents'!


How Raven Stole the Sun

School Year: 24-25
Offered Languages: English
Grade Suitability: K - 8
Duration: 60 mins
Capacity: 1000
Tech Requirements: Three electrical outlets
Available Formats: In Person

Lower Mainland
Fraser Valley & Howe Sound
Vancouver Island Lower
Vancouver Island Mid
Vancouver Island North

The purpose of this storytelling experience is to include audience members of all cultural identities in a light-hearted interactive theatre version of How Raven Stole the Sun. The story is acted out on stage exploring some of the holistic values, traditions and culture shared by some Indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest Coast. Actors follow Indigenous storyteller Dallas Yellowfly's guidance on stage during his oral narration of the story where each audience member is transformed into their own character for the performance. Yellowfly blends positive humour, improv comedy, high energy performance and audience participation, making the performance educational and memorable. The themes centralize around the importance of having respect for the environment, the importance of Indigenous oral traditions and the medicine of humour.

Qwalena - The Wild Woman Who Steals Children

School Year: 24-25
Offered Languages: English
Grade Suitability: 8 - 12
Duration: 90 mins
Capacity: 2000
Tech Requirements: Theatre or gymnasium capable of complete black out darkness.
Available Formats: In Person

Lower Mainland
Fraser Valley & Howe Sound
Vancouver Island Lower
Vancouver Island Mid
Vancouver Island North

*TRIGGER WARNING: Topics include physical abuse, sexual abuse, drug and alcohol abuse, and homicide. Indigenous storyteller Dallas Yellowfly brings "Qwalena: The Wild Woman Who Steals Children'' to life in this unique and scary theatrical multimedia storytelling performance. The purpose of this performance is to promote anti-racism, create awareness of the Indian Act, the intergenerational impact of Indian Residential Schools and help youth strengthen their mental health. Qwalena is an allegorical creature that represents the Indian Agents who stole Indigenous children from their families and forced them into government funded Residential Schools. Yellowfly's own father was one of these children. By blending oral tradition, multimedia, mature content and a bit of humour, Yellowfly hopes to promote an understanding of present day impacts of the Indian Act and how youth of all cultural backgrounds can relate to the importance of identifying the intergenerational traumas that exist in our own families.

Testimonials & Reviews

The most accessible presentation that our students will ever hear in terms of the personal cost of residential schools across the generations of one family... The students and adults, including me, were all transfixed both by your storytelling ability and also your powerful use of multi-media. Sylvia Russell, Superintendent, Maple Ridge, SD42
Qwalena was the single most powerful assembly that I have experienced in my ten year teaching career. This is a must see production for every school, student, and teacher in our province. Dustin Hyde, Aboriginal Education Teacher, Penticton, SD67
Raven was one of my favourite presentations because you were funny and you make me smile...try to keep your amazing personality with you. Student, Surrey, SD36

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