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Aglika Ivantcheva

Discipline: Interdisciplinary
Homebase: New Westminster
Regions Available: Lower Mainland
Languages: English, French, Russian, Bulgarian, Greek
Grant Eligibility: Eligible to apply for AIC

Aglika graduated from the Department for Puppet Art in the Bulgarian National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts. Since her graduation she has brought puppetry to children and educators all over the world. Her specialization in Puppet Therapy and training in Psychodrama opened the magic door to approach people with special needs, and inspired her to find the creative nature of every human being. In Bulgaria she adapted and facilitated a National Educational Program for children with hearing impairments. She was invited to come to Canada to work for children with Autism and ADHD. Later she became an Early Childhood Educator. Now she works as a Strong Start Facilitator with Vancouver School Board. She has worldwide experience offering puppet workshops, presenting performances, and providing professional training to educators and support workers to use puppets in education. Over the years she has offered many workshops in schools and in communities in BC and Quebec. Aglika is committed to creating an open and inclusive space for all participants and strives to provide a culturally safe environment.

Classroom Residency(ies)

Contact Me: (778) 872-3611, Email

"Who am I" - Construction Of Identity

School Year: 24-25

Through the construction of a puppet we "construct" ourselves. This project could answer specific educational needs, for example: language (French Immersion, ESL), exploring emotions and behaviours, building routine habits or preparing for the transition from preschool to kindergarten. The children create their own puppet and this character will: speak only in French, or will present a specific emotion and so on. This workshop project has been successfully implemented in the annual "Ready, Set, Go!" program at Ecole Anne Hebert in Vancouver. Time-frame and format for this project can be negotiated. Suitable for Preschool to Grade 4.

Everything Can Be A Puppet!

School Year: 24-25

The imagination and the creativity of the children is unlimited. Choose any kind of materials to make a puppet for special occasions, themes or interests (health promotion, holidays, seasonal changes, design challenges). The process of creating a puppet is the focus in this project as well as spontaneous play. This project spans two or three 90 minute sessions. Suitable for Kindergarten to Grade 12.

From The Page To The Stage

School Year: 24-25

This is a long-term project consisting of: making of a puppet character (using modelling clay), writing a script, playing and ending with a public performance. This project follows the full process of the Art of Puppetry. I could also teach all kinds of puppet systems (string, glove, shadow, glow-in-the-dark, etc.) or bring ready-made puppets to work specifically on story (play-back theatre) and presentation. Recommended time-frame is around nine 90 minute sessions. Suitable for Grades 3 to 12.

Testimonials & Reviews

My grade two and three French Immersion classes loved working with Madame Aglika. The students were encouraged to sift through the layers of magnificent, enticing materials and decorations that emerged from her travelling purple suitcase. Once their puppet was made, they spontaneously fell to playing, in French, their expressive vocabulary stretching to keep up with their imaginations. It was a pleasure to step back from my 'active' teaching position, to observe this talented educator at work. Danica Jovanovic, EFI Teacher, Ecole Lord Tweedsmuir School, SD #40 New Westminster, BC
When enjoying ArtsToGo, children work with local artists and explore various art forms and mediums. Aglika has been a valuable teacher within our ArtsToGo program. As a professional puppeteer she has successfully engaged with children in our community and shared her artistic passion in a fun and creative way. Her workshops are always well received and students are drawn to her artistic energy and personable approach. Laura Grady Program Coordinator Arts Council of New Westminster

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