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Digital Guise

Discipline: Music
Homebase: Victoria
Regions Available: Lower Mainland, Fraser Valley &, Howe Sound, Vancouver Island Lower, Vancouver Island Mid, Vancouver Island North, Interior, North, Remote, Kootenays
Languages: English, French
Grant Eligibility: Eligible for 70% AIE

Digital Guise is a 3-piece electronic/symphonic music group that performs music from movies, TV and video games to student audiences from K-12. Using video and sound, Digital Guise guides the audience on a journey highlighting the important movie and TV music covering the 1960’s to the present. This year’s show Star Worlds, will hi-lite music from Science Fiction and Fantasy movies and TV series such as Star Wars, Star Trek, Dr. Who and 2001. A Digital Guise show is a highly entertaining and educational experience that combines music, video and audience participation.

Testimonials & Reviews

Dear Digital Guise, we saw your performance today at Kennedy Trail Elementary School. We think you guys are awesome. We think that you have the best music in the world! We especially like your cool instruments! You have inspired us to want to learn how to play music like you. Thank you for sharing your music with us! Thank you. Mrs. Wiles' Grade 1 and Kindergarten Classes, Kennedy Trail Elementary
Their repertoire was very balanced and captured our multi-aged (K-7) audience’s attention from beginning to end. From the exiting opening of Star Wars (so timely being May the 4th) to the digital sampling of student voices turned into a rap remix, to the educational teaching about musical instruments and digital sounds, to the hopping Mission Impossible and Super Mario Brothers theme, this performance was such a hit. I would highly recommend the group for your school performances. General Gordon Elementary School

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