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G-Rated: A Musical Puppet Show

Discipline: Theatre
Homebase: Rossland, British Columbia
Regions Available: Lower Mainland, Fraser Valley &, Howe Sound, Vancouver Island Lower, Vancouver Island Mid, Vancouver Island North, Interior, North, Kootenays
Languages: English
Themes: Mental Health, LGBTQ2SIA+

Writer/Performer Nadine Tremblay is a UBC classical voice graduate, and honours student of Canadian College of Performing Arts (singing dancing and acting). She wrote, toured and performed in original musicals for ten years with her company Iron Mountain Theatre. Over the past 20 years, Nadine has performed in original musicals with Iron Mountain Theatre, worked with youth directing students in full scale with Triple Threat Experience. Nadine has taught a variety of curriculum through the ‘Learning Through the Arts’ program and participates annually in the Columbia Basin Youth Summit working with young people to develop leadership skills as well as entertain them through Karaoke, dances, workshops and more. Nadine’s day job is as executive and artistic director of the Trail Arts Council and the Bailey Theatre; she programs performances and events for audiences of all ages including youth and families. Performer Phil Loosley has trained and performed with the Loose Moose Theatre in Calgary, Vancouver and Canmore International Improv Festivals and at numerous improv festivals across Europe. His experiences include short and long form, musical, abstract and contact improv, storytelling and clown. Phil has taught improv workshops for youth through the Rossland Youth Action Network, as well as at multiple Columbia Basin Youth Summit events, and has adapted his game show to perform to youth/school groups.

Writer/Director Almeda Glenn Miller is the author of the poetry collection begin with the corners (Big Bad Wolf Press 2014) and novel Tiger Dreams (Raincoast 2002). Her short stories, essays, and poetry have appeared in Prism International, Grain, Dandelion, Event, Room, Antigonish Review quarterlies. Her Random Acts of Poetry on Kootenay Columbia is an ongoing project that began in the spring of 2015. Her most recent projects have included G-rated, a musical puppet show about sex and healthy relationships for ages 10 - 13 with Nadine Tremblay and Phil Loosley.

Testimonials & Reviews

"This delightful show delves into challenges that face many young people today; from peer pressures to the struggles of finding your authentic self amidst instagram-realities...The pandemic and the consequent isolation has resulted in an awkwardness for students in social situations, a lack of empathy, and troublesome anxiety, and G-rated offers strategies to engage with others in a respectful manner." Sharmila Miller, Drama Educator, Garibaldi High. Sharmila Miller, Drama Educator, Garibaldi High.
"I can say with much enthusiasm that the show would be engaging for all ages, the music is ‘Disney-esque’ and ‘Pop-y’ and the puppets were fun to watch. The show content is topical and refreshing. It addresses issues that educators, students and families are grappling with. It provides students with a starting point to think about their own contexts with a relatable story and characters. The medium is ‘friendly’ with video components to further engage students." DDeRosa David DeRosa, Principal, Rossland Summit School

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