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Jayne Walling

Discipline: Theatre
Homebase: Victoria
Regions Available: Lower Mainland, Vancouver Island Lower, Vancouver Island Mid, Vancouver Island North
Languages: English, French
Themes: Climate Change and/or Environmentalism

Jayne is an internationally recognized theatre artist and professionally trained clown who has worked all over the world, creating new exciting plays for audiences of all ages with her strong visual and comedic style. Her shows are engaging and playful, incorporating live music and drawing from her clown and mask training in Paris, France. She loves to collaborate with artists of diverse artistic and cultural backgrounds to create shows which explore social themes for young audiences in innovative and exciting new ways. Having recently returned to Vancouver Island after over a decade of living overseas, Jayne is excited to embark on new theatrical adventures inspired by the beautiful west coast!


The Big Wail

School Year: 24-25
Discipline: Music, Theatre, Storytelling
Offered Languages: English
Grade Suitability: K - 5
Duration: 45m + 10m Q+A
Capacity: 400
Tech Requirements: Performing space approximately 20 feet wide, 20 feet deep and 12 feet high, adequate light in the performance area. Access to the performance area 1h prior.
Available Formats: In Person

Lower Mainland
Fraser Valley & Howe Sound
Vancouver Island Lower
Vancouver Island Mid
Vancouver Island North

Bertha, a little bottom feeding fish, on the bottom of the food chain, from the bottom of the ocean floor, is an ocean cleaner. It runs in her family. Her mother is an ocean cleaner, her father is an ocean cleaner, her sister is an ocean cleaner and so is she. When strange objects start appearing in her ocean home that are un-cleanable, Bertha volunteers (ahem - well, sort of) to get to the bottom of it. On her perilous quest she meets a porpoise with a dolphin complex, a sassy salmon that never gives up and a killer whale that's maybe not so killer after all. A play about family, appearances, and swimming against the current. This is a solo show that uses music, song, clown, mask and the wonders of our natural world to speak about our changing oceans. The Big Wail is an infectiously engaging, comical tale about a fish from the bottom that rises to the top. Teachers will have access to a study guide which includes exercises and games to prepare the students for this immersive show about the wonderful life under the ocean and it's changing environment.

Testimonials & Reviews

"I think this show is really funny, and Bertha is really brave! I learned a lot about animals under the sea and that was cool." Lola, Kindergarten Student
""The Big Wail" is hilarious and engaging. The audience was with her the whole time! What a fun way to learn about the amazing secret life in the Pacific Ocean. My favourite part was the songs." Carol, teacher and counsellor K-5
"Jayne is a skilled and expressive comic performer... the seeds of something fascinating." The Stage review, UK.

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