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Jim Sands

Discipline: Storytelling
Homebase: Vancouver
Regions Available: Lower Mainland, Fraser Valley &, Howe Sound, Vancouver Island Lower, Vancouver Island Mid, Vancouver Island North
Languages: English
Grant Eligibility: Eligible to apply for AIC

Jim is an East Vancouver-based storyteller, songwriter, and performer. Jim has written, produced, and performed in a number of solo storytelling shows that have been part of festivals such as the Vancouver Outsider Arts Festival, Heart of the City Festival, and Fringe Festivals across Canada. As a musician, Jim has performed at the Vancouver Farmers' Market, Granville Island and a variety of venues around Vancouver. As a storyteller, Jim's mission is to tell his own story and to support others to gain the skills to find and tell their own stories. He fulfills this mission by performing, teaching and researching storytelling. His approach is to work to create a safe and inclusive environment that welcomes all contributions. Workshop content is based on an iterative approach that works to identify and address the needs of workshop participants.

Testimonials & Reviews

[Students] enjoyed Jim's presentation and the experience of storytelling. They suggested I offer this regularly as part of the course because it offered them an opportunity to develop stronger connections to each other. . . . Many felt that in sharing their stories they discovered things about themselves and understood their lives in ways they hadn't be able to before. The experience of creating and sharing their personal stories made a difference in their lives. Pamela Smith, English Teacher, Byrne Creek Community School
I am so grateful you came and visited our English class. It was a pleasure listening to your story and what you had to say about ours in giving feedback. Thank you very much for spending your time with us. Keep up your good work. You should definitely go to other schools and spread your knowledge of storytelling. Student, Grade 11, Byrne Creek Secondary
I highly appreciate you coming to our class and teaching us how to tell stories. I've learned how to explain stories thoroughly and express my emotions in a way I've never done before. This new skill has made me grow closer with specific friends and family because they seem a lot more interested in my stories now. This has also taught me to share very personal and private stories a little more effortlessly. Student, Grade 11, Byrne Creek Secondary

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