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Discipline: Music
Homebase: Vancouver
Regions Available: Lower Mainland, Fraser Valley &, Howe Sound, Vancouver Island Lower, Vancouver Island Mid, Vancouver Island North, Interior, North, Remote, Kootenays, Virtual
Languages: English
Themes: Mental Health, Anti-Bullying
Grant Eligibility: Eligible for 70% AIE

ORIGINZ is an interactive musical performance and presentation that explores the lineage of hip hop from its roots in Africa, to its evolution within African American music. Created by rap artist Ndidi Cascade, Originz highlights the importance of staying centered in self and in community; appreciating other’s differences while acknowledging and honouring those who came before us. Ndidi Cascade, Powys HJ & special guests, share inspirational life journey experiences and performances, while the audience is given an opportunity to participate in live rapping, dancing, beatboxing and discussion. By bridging hip hop with its roots in Africa, Originz intends to encourage global harmony, while demonstrating how hip hop and African arts can be used as catalysts for healthy self-expression and community empowerment. Ndidi Cascade is a Vancouver-born-and-based hip-hop artist who is of Nigerian/Italian/Irish heritage. A songwriter, vocalist, educator, and curator Ndidi has showcased her music globally, opening for talents such as Wu-Tang Clan, De La Soul & Femi Kuti. Powys HJ is a lyricist, songwriter and curator who is of African American and Welsh ancestry. He is a dynamic performer, whose songs weave themes of self-love and vulnerability. Powys is also the creator of Song Craft Academy, providing music creation programming for youth. Ndidi & Powys HJ are both experts at spreading Joy!



School Year: 24-25
Discipline: Music
Offered Languages: English
Grade Suitability: K - 12
Duration: 55 mins
Capacity: 1000
Tech Requirements: Table, projector (HDMI) & screen
Available Formats: In Person, Virtual

Lower Mainland
Fraser Valley & Howe Sound
Vancouver Island Lower
Vancouver Island Mid
Vancouver Island North

ORIGINZ is an interactive musical performance and presentation that connects the lineage of hip hop from its roots in Africa, to its evolution within African American music. Originz highlights the importance of staying centered in self and in community; appreciating other’s differences, while acknowledging and honouring those who came before us. Ndidi Cascade, Powys HJ & special guests, share inspirational life journey experience and performance, while the audience is given an opportunity to participate in live rapping, dancing, beatboxing and discussion. The premise of the show explores the lineages of the African diaspora, rooted in Black struggle and Black joy, while creating awareness around why it's important to appreciate and support BIPOC lives, especially if one is a consumer of BlPOC music and culture. By bridging hip hop with its roots in Africa, Originz intends to encourage global harmony, while demonstrating how hip hop and African arts can be used as catalysts for healthy self-expression and community empowerment.

Testimonials & Reviews

The “Originz” performances were informative and interactive. Students and staff had a wonderful time, while reflecting on some important concepts. You could feel the energy in the room and after, I had a record number of staff approach me to tell me what a great experience it was. One teacher said it was the best assembly she had ever been to! Ndidi engaged our diverse group of learners. There were clear ties to the curriculum and First Nations principles. We can’t wait to have her back! Niki Parassidis--Teacher; Gray Elementary (Delta)
Ndidi Cascade and Powy HJ's "Originz" presentation blew our school away with their ability to connect to students on their level, their incorporation of important concepts and history every student should know, and their modelling of how to put yourself out there with confidence and humility. Our "inner city" middle school students were absolutely captivated, and being able to see successful, kind, and motivated adults that created some of their favourite genre of music was inspiring to many. Samantha Dowdell---Teacher; Fraser River Middle School (New Westminter)

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