March 16, 2010
Students from Windemere Secondary school, who came in for a tour of our current exhibition, Welcome to Our World, recently left ArtStarts some very original thank-you gifts!
The students worked with Julian Lawrence, a comic-book artist who is currently completing his teaching practicum at Windermere, to create these twenty mini-zines. The topics of the tiny booklets range from one student's love of rock band AC/DC, to tips on cultivating calmness through meditation.
An avid cartoonist since childhood, Julian is experienced at working with students on drawing and writing-based projects. He recently worked on an project at Lord Roberts Elementary, where he helped three classes to create colourful comic-strips about their families and communities, as well as their relationships to the Olympic Games. The strips are currently on display at the ArtStarts Gallery. ArtStarts gratefully acknowledges support for the the Welcome to Our World project from Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP, and the City of Vancouver Host a City Happening Community Grant.
To find out about more artists like Julian who are available to work on classroom projects, check out our Artists in the Classroom Directory.
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