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Defining Moments: Discovering Our Canadian Stories

June 5, 2012 to August 31, 2012

Take a trip across this great country with stops in 8 provinces and territories, to see how 37 young Canadians between the ages of 13 and 30 respond to the questions How do you shape Canada? How does Canada shape you? in their quest to express their personal identity. The top 26 winners, as selected by a panel of judges from across Canada, were amongst the artwork featured in this exhibition. Defining Moments: Discovering Our Canadian Stories showcases artwork submitted by Canadian youth through the Defining Moments art contest, a national digital media arts and citizenship project offered by TakingITGlobal and supported by Canadian Heritage.

Defining Moments: Discovering Our Canadian Stories

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Boeing supports the ArtStarts Gallery and community events including ArtStarts on Saturdays.

Boeing believes in being a responsible corporate citizen. As a Canadian leader of industry, Boeing strives to help communities address the challenges of today and create a better tomorrow.