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Community Events Volunteer

Our Community Events Volunteers get to be at the front lines of interacting with art and the community! Whether it is helping with one of our ArtStarts Explores workshops or ArtStarts on Saturdays events here at the ArtStarts Gallery or as part of our street team out in the community, this position supports the ArtStarts team live at our events and reports to the Program Coordinator.  

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Position Details

Best Suited for:
  • Excellent for those curious about event planning, art making and working with the public!
  • Families: Family Volunteering is a great way for your family to spend quality time together while also giving back to the community and providing kids with useful skills and experience. Family Volunteering is open to parents, guardians, brother, sisters, extended family members and even mentors. We just require an adult 19 or over and a maximum of two kids over the age of 8.
Minimum Commitment: 4 months
Commitment: Monthly and/or oncall


  • Eager and willing to learn and gain experience in event coordination
  • Comfortable working with children and the general public
  • Quick on your feet and proactive problem solver
  • Serving it Right is an asset
  • Food Safe is an asset
  • Having a Driver's licence is an asset

Areas of Responsibility

  • Assisting the Event Coordinator with queues and general questions from the public
  • Assisting artists with materials and set up of workshops or performances
  • Documenting the event through pictures and videos
  • Keep count of attendees
  • Helping with any food prep
  • Set up and take down of venue site

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To apply for the volunteer position of Community Events, please fill out our online application form. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]

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